A saying has in recent days struck me as trite and insidious: the exhortation to be on the "right side of history", and the meaning such a statement entails about history. The only right side of history in my view in the truth. The truth will not feel good or bring glory and wisdom to you. It will not be just or right or good. It will not attain for you any victory. Humans are liars, and power laughs at truth. So too do the associations of men and all who grasp for position. The exultant shouting of the liars, who won against any sense of decency in the first years of the 21st century, registered in history that truth.
There is only one right side from history - that if we are to learn from history, and do anything other than what has been done in the past, the only way for a human being to act on that is the truth, in all of its details.
This is never as simple as an act of knowledge or holding to any fact. The truth of history entails the inertia of past events and their present force, which is as true and real as anything else history speaks of. But, no history and no present is complete without the future - without potential and without sense that knowledge acts on a future it can foresee, whatever the area of its effect and whatever weight that knowledge has to affect the world. If there is no future, then there is no history and no truth as such - only retellings and increasingly elaborate lies of past glories. This, sadly, has been the motor of events in the history of humanity - that those who lie better and harder hold an advantage, and typically the only truth that comes out despite the lie is little more than the ghosts of the past that inevitably haunt the present, dashing the hopes of those who ride any 'zeitgeist' or fad that has always been the doom of the commons.
To place history on sound footing, it is helpful to speak of these things in a way I believe is novel in the record. History has been spoken of, as makes sense for us, as stories of events and the entities which partake in it. Every one of these stories and events comes nowhere close to speaking of the whole truth and the potentials of the world, however dim they were. After the fact, history has been rewritten and revised to maintain a convenient fiction that the legal authority adjudicating true history never made a single error. In this way, the history of Rome is revised and revised further, with dogmatic assertions of what Rome even was replaced with new ones. The talented historian has maintained a sense of smell and has, unwittingly, carried out what I hope to write about in this work. What has been lacking in this historical record is something that is a new invention in our time, which has finally attained prominence in the 21st century - rapid communication and verification, and the habitual lying which accompanied it. It is sad to this author that the true invention of our time - that communication over long distance is for the first time no significant barrier, were people free to speak of what this really was - is overshadowed by its counterpart, the habitual lying of those who hold institutions and insist, spinning new lies in rapid succession, whole systems that purport to revise history radically but only recapitulate biases and bigotries of the old world, jumping in front of the present let alone any future. The latter is not a new invention, but it was only the threat of the former - that for the first time, humanity could bypass mediation and compare notes about what this was - that necessitated the toxicity of the latter, and the agentur of political society saw it as their overriding mission to ensure that nothing new would indeed be possible. With this, the necessary transition to merely rewriting history to fully freezing it and reality control, seemed inevitable.
In the end, history will judge this to be a failed system, just as ideology failed and the institutions of technocratic society failed. Ideology failed spectacularly on its own terms. Technocratic society failed not so much for its many faults and vices, but because mankind proved to be fickle and nowhere near the brilliance it presumed it held by granting itself the vaunted title 'sapiens sapiens', which is funny given the vicious stupidity of the race and glorification of it in all of its ruling ideas. That judgment is already at hand, and those who have no reason to go along with the present insanity have registered their disgust in ways large and small, failing to show any great enthusiasm for the madness of those who did this to the world. But, history may never truly know the extent of what was done in our time.
There will never be another time like it. If nothing else, this writing may be seen as a marker of this strange time we inhabit. There are days where I regret choosing to live in such a world or the course I have taken. Such is the wild swings of mood the prevailing conditions of this time inspire, by way of the insidious habits of lying, in many people, and it is nothing to praise or excuse. Then, against all reason, there are days - and tomorrow will be such a day, heaven willing - where I cannot see another time where I could have lived, and that it is the events of this life that were why I was brought onto this terrible Earth and dragged myself through it all. One of the fools had to write, and if many of the fools write and share their findings, pehraps we may find a way forward other than the one we have been given, or the increasingly mad desires of those who reaped the benefit of bringing the world to this.
Whatever happens, history only really produces the new when there is something in the world that really wants it to be different, and that comes in the end from the world. Looking within humanity with endless self-criticism offers nothing new, especially when there is so little to expect from mankind. Humans, perhaps, are so used to imposing themselves on the world that they cannot help but fall into the malicious tendencies I have described. Yet, enough have looked past it out of necessity. I believe that rather than waiting for the monopolist institutions to tell us history has moved, humanity will, in one way or another, put an end to this shibboleth of history. For that to happen, humanity will set right a grievous error, and in doing so, the institutional understanding imposed on us will be irrevocably destroyed, as it should be. If anything is to be salvaged from these ruinous institutions, it will be because they accede to our terms, not because we beseech them for mercy. No such mercy is coming, for they vowed in advance to make no excuses for the terror, and the simpering of the so-called dissidents has always rolled over, regardless of what corner of the historical narrative they call their own. If this is accepted, then the monopoly, premised on a legalistic lie that was contemptuous of law and the society it ruled, will only continue to lock ranks behind the failed system, which it is already doing, again regardless of the corner of the historical narrative they call their own.
I will never forgive those who enabled this for nothing but a cheap thrill. The beneficiaries can at least say they were enough on the right side of history in all senses of the word, for behind the maniacal screaming, they are quite aware of what they have really done and what the world truly is. But, for me, I am stubborn because I must be, and I am hardly alone in that. I write this not because I believe I will justify anything, but because continuing to accede to the cajolers and their shameful behavior is disgusting. If there is one thing in this that I have found depressing, it is watching so many men, women, children, and elders sucked into these narratives as if they were something we had any reason to ever regard. If I accomplish nothing else, I wrote to those who have been sucked into this, who did not ask for this but were swept into it from manipulations far beyond the abuse of history I write about here. The truth of history grants no freedom, but it is the first condition for anything to be different, whether it is known or if history is affected in a way where a future can exist.
Chapter 1 | Introduction | Audiobook |
Chapter 2 | The Five Schema of General History | Audiobook |
Chapter 3 | Education's Role in Understanding History | Audiobook |
Chapter 4 | Reproductive Science and the Origins of the Practice of Natural Science Among Humanity | Audiobook |
Chapter 5 | Mechanism, Dialectic, Reason, and Emergence when Studying History | Audiobook |
Chapter 6 | A Conception of the Science of Production | Audiobook |
Chapter 7 | "Science Is the Motor of History"—Dissecting That Phrase | Audiobook |
Chapter 8 | Technological Artifacts as Mechanical Devices | Audiobook |
Chapter 9 | Technological Artifacts as Communicable Agents In an Information Network | Audiobook |
Chapter 10 | Cybernetics' Application to the Study of History | Audiobook |
Chapter 11 | The Imposition of Cybernetics Onto History and Its True Consequence | Audiobook |
Chapter 12 | Technological Epochs and How They Are Misconstrued | Audiobook |
Chapter 13 | The General Theory of Technology | Audiobook |
Chapter 14 | The Dismal Science is the Science of Empire Rather Than Economics or Politics Themselves | Audiobook |
Chapter 15 | The Technological Challenges Against Empire | Audiobook |
Chapter 16 | The Civilizational Unit and The Barbarous "Normal" | Audiobook |
Chapter 17 | A Republic Without Its Philosophical Fetters | Audiobook |
Chapter 18 | Political Machinations as Units unto Themselves | Audiobook |
Chapter 19 | On the Origin of Nations and the Failure to Select Favored Races | Audiobook |
Chapter 20 | The Body of Armed Men | Audiobook |
Chapter 21 | Patronage and the Clientele | Audiobook |
Chapter 22 | Mos Maiorum and the Appeal to Tradition | Audiobook |
Chapter 23 | The Imperial-Feudal Model of Society | Audiobook |
Chapter 24 | Changes in Army Formations and the "War on Terror" as the Eternal War of Human History | Audiobook |
Chapter 25 | Changes in Mechanical Constructs, Discoveries, and Engineering | Audiobook |