Two worlds, forever apart. I repeat this refrain often in my writing and my Twitter posts and I have given some definition to its meaning already in The Retarded Ideology and in those posts, albeit incomplete. I believe, to make clear why I say this, it is necessary and helpful to explain how I came to this statement and some of the meanings it holds, for it holds multiple meanings and was never a singular imperative rallying cry.
Readers might assume I am writing a polemic, a call to action, or a call to awareness of one slogan, one thing to be dogmatically spoken. First, I must make clear that none of my writing is to be interpreted as dogmatic political imperatives to follow for all time, or even a command to follow immediately now as if you must shut off your thinking whenever a word is encountered. And yet, the way I deploy this and some of the other stock slogans in The Retarded Ideology gives the impression of immediate disgust. This is intended first because it should set the reader on a path of correcting a habit in reading where students are taught to dogmatically read passages, "quote-mining" for something expedient or that "feels good". A second reason is that, once corrected, the reader can appreciate the meanings many times over and find something new when comparing the same passage against new knowledge later in life. The best writing is that which encourages contemplation, and that expects readers to compare the writing to a context of the world where that writing is relevant. It is one of the advantages of the medium. What I am not doing is some clever double entendre or in-joke, and it is not a deception to point away from something I do not want you to see. I mean every word I say when I invoke "two worlds, forever apart" as a condition of the present society, its future so far as I can see, and how we are to act in such a situation. We see in the public sphere the evidence that there are two worlds forever apart is stark and unmistakable if we are at all honest about what this is. Every public relations technique from 1980 onward has spoken of nothing but two worlds forever apart, in coded or not-so-coded language, and scoffs at the idea of a public interest. How else can "there is no such thing as society" be interpreted if you think about what society is for five minutes? That is to say, I hope people aren't as retarded as the typical Conservative, and they are retarded. But, it is something much more than a public relations mirage. If you know something of the world of those who are safe and selected to live, they will act invariably in accord with the dictum that there are those selected to live and those selected to die, and they cannot afford to do otherwise. They may have varying opinions about it, but those selected to live will not throw their lives away because they want to hear the truth. I would not want them to throw away their lives for empty truth-telling, and that itself is one way eugenics goads the subjects—even those who are favored—so that more demands may be placed by nothing more than the immiseration of the ruled. More than a psychological impression, in deeds there are indeed two worlds forever apart. It is often invoked by speaking of "Two Americas" or "Three Worlds" (with the Second of the two abolished during the 1980s when socialism conceptually was no longer admissible, which Mao's theory had something to do with if you grasp the history of these things). It is acted on not by words or thoughts, but in the everyday mechanisms of this society. Marked disdain for out-groups, identity-centered politics, cultural battles over essentialist philosophy, and so much more, are all calculated to further this reality as a central pillar of the society to come. Two worlds are forever apart, but the definition of those worlds is to be defined by the ruling interest and its religion alone, and religion is the one thing allowed to travel between these two worlds. This is, if you haven't figured out by now, why "reality is mediated", and it is something baked into the Germanic philosophy and the Promethean-Luciferian ideas of learning and knowledge I described in a prior essay.[1] It should be clear that a conceit of knowledge alone did not make it so. The Germanic philosophy entails much more than knowledge or ways to pervert it, for it made positive claims about the world and what it means to speak of nature, God, the state, the political, and anything we are doing here. In short, it is a much more thorough abomination than Luciferianism or "mere Satanism". I have mentioned in the past that you could, in theory, conceive of a "good Satanist" who understands that the religion is evil and cannot be made good, but that sees this as a way to understand evil and somehow stave it off. But, a Satanist will adhere to "two worlds forever apart" in this fashion and this fashion alone, where the Satan alone can mediate reality (whatever guise he takes in the particular Satanism, and whether the Satanist really understands what he or she is doing, since most only repurpose Christian cosmology without any genuine knowledge of religion). In practice, this is one of the factors that will guarantee the Satanist willfully and knowingly glorifies the evil and the thrill of torture, as is the proclivity of their god, and ignorance of the law of the world is no excuse: guilty until proven innocent.
I bring up Satanism here because "Two worlds forever apart" is only sensical when one believes a Satanic cosmology is operative, whether because Satan is the true god of this world (which I do not believe), or because one believes the dominant ideas of a polity are Satanic and they can and have been imposed on the world by some mechanism, which I very much do believe. I know for a fact that there are more than a few committed, knowing, proud Satanists, and they are not confined to a ruling-class cabal or aristocratic hangers-on. A Satan to be any Satan worthy of the name is something more than sniveling aristocratic faggotry or a re-dress of spiritually appealing concepts mashed together. The Satan, in any sensical retelling of the concept, is never a "pure idea", and every stable and effective Satanism relies on the complexity of the Satan rather than its primordial nature. Even when Satan is recast as "the One", it is a complex "One" and the complexity and totality of the Satan is its supreme defining characteristic—where all is and must be sublated into the Satan and the Satan alone, and in this way, reality is mediated by some spiritual authority which is singular. It is only on this basis that the Satan can be operative, even if the Satanist acknowledges there are other gods or even an "arch-god" that appears above the Satan but is cast as the "true root of evil", as many Satanists will describe the Christian God.[2] We find ourselves in that situation today because of very bad choices certain people have made, and they are invariably those in positions of authority who have been taught from conception that authority exists to be abused, and every transgression is glorious. It's stupid and dumb, but all that was required to realize this was technological means to make it so, which appeared for the first time in history during the 20th century. This novel development made necessary for the rulers a doctrine to assert that what was clearly happening was not happening and could not happen, no matter what transgressions were initiated. There are, as with any evil, limits to what it can temporally accomplish, which evil is familiar with. The evil asserts that such temporal limits will inexorably fail until the next scam rises and the evil finds a new vehicle. Any who aligned with this public relations death cult for the past 100 years did this willfully and proudly, and it will never occur to them that this is wrong or could possibly fail. To doubt the revolution is sin, no matter how ridiculous the outcome. The greater the needless suffering and public display of the pointlessness of it, the greater the authority of such a Satan, until it exhausts anything real and moves to the next victim, whether that be another person, their body, or a country that had done nothing whatsoever to warrant such monstrous behavior.
I say "Two worlds forever apart" not because it is ideal, or a naturalistic claim of how history works. It is the exact opposite when working with science. Science has no limitation whatsoever on its purview and did not allow any such mediation to assert that there is a world with "special rules", or any notion of subjectivity that all must abide by. The existence of the individual's subjective thought or thought itself is easily demonstrated to be a condition that can easily terminate, and the world would continue without human transgression and the stupidity we have seen up to now. What I refer to is the militant campaign of certain people to make the world into this, which has sadly succeeded at intervening, such that humanity has no future and cannot have a future in any outcome of events. It is not possible to reconcile with those who have willfully done this ad infinitum and insist this always works. It has never worked once, yet all virtue is commanded by such people, who have explicitly declared a law premised on this principle above all others. There is a world full of distinct things that really had nothing to do with each other and no "totality" mediating them, but once initiated, certain people were going to make sure "history is corrected" no matter what, and they have amassed over time far more influence than we would have allowed if we compared notes, described this situation as what it truly is, and took measures to circumvent the game of insinuation. Since we cannot speak freely about these things without the shriek machine and insinuations, we are forced to regard that so far as those are followed by the "Jehadists" marching in lockstep with Eugenics, that it is the situation we have to tolerate when dealing with them. They certainly emphasize that there are two worlds, one where they hold everything and one where we live with nothing, and will never give that up. That is their notion of property, and it is not "private property" or other regimes of property hitherto known. It certainly is not public or state property or a communist idea. It is the property of Eugenics and its followers alone, and it can only exist under the conditions Eugenics allows. Until Eugenics is banished and its followers relegated permanently to an underclass where they cannot conduct this scurrilous campaign against the whole world, they at the least will certainly act to split the world into two, and assign members of humanity to two great races; one selected to live, and one selected to die. There is no middle ground or ulterior motive or other game to play, and no "other system" that is relevant so long as the eugenists are a force. Anyone who denies the centrality of Eugenics in today's ruling order is a disgusting, sniveling creature and need not be regarded moving forward.
If that is in force, then there is no reconciliation or coexistence between these two worlds. There will be those who claim a right to mediate between the worlds, and this is the domain of Public Relations, claimed as their monopoly alone. It is not a commonly shared wealth with all in the camp of those selected to live, for Eugenics disdains the concept and laughs at the idea that there can be peaceful coexistence even among their own. But, there is no coexistence and nothing to say between us and them. The world of those selected to die is a world of horrors, and must be made into a living Hell so much as possible; but it is a world of horrors instigated by the eugenic creed and its mediation, which must aggressively force internalization of the creed among us. Virtue of some sort remains in the world of us selected to die, but the eugenist must recapitulate, with ever-increasing violence, that there is no virtue whatsoever but theirs. The central pillar of their creed requires a monopoly on all virtue and language itself. There are no other conditions of Eugenics. It is not possible to pretend that this is not happening when all actions, all thoughts, and all deeds, from the creed mandate the creation of two worlds forever apart. And so, it has been done. There will be no reconciliation. What is done is done. The human race is now a Satanic race and will live with that for the rest of their days. We have no sympathy or interest, for peaceful coexistence with such creatures was never our program and never did a single iota of good for us. We are tainted by the most unfortunate historical and temporal association with the eugenists, for there is no denying that there was at heart only a "human race". Nothing about history suggests there are two races of master and slave ready-made by Nature, and if the "superior race" were so superior, we would not hear this much incessant whining when nature refuses to respect those sniveling Satanics. A superior race wouldn't need to anviliciously insinuate their superiority from the cradle to the grave and kill so many to "correct history", offering nothing whatsoever to anyone, even themselves. Eugenics exists entirely for itself, and no other. It cannot do otherwise.
Why I keep bringing it up isn't a belief that this situation can change or be ignored, or is one that must be accepted as central to our cosmological view as if the world really is split in two by insinuation. I bring it up because the consequences of doing this to human society have produced a lot of damage to the world itself, and the things in it that did not ask for nor need this artificial division. We would, in a better world, not need to regard the evil of eugenics. It and things like it would never have been allowed to get far in this world. It would have been described as a failed system from the outset, rejected, and humanity could have done something else. Perhaps it would have been a different ruin, but we can only describe so many hypotheticals. Eugenics and the institutions it made are definite and imminent and have waged their "Jehad" for over 100 years, never once surrendering an inch and never tolerating any iota of disagreement with their filthy mission. This idea alone has a right of transgression above all others—above any other culture, history, religion, or idea that might be presented. There is, in any body of ruling ideas, one idea above all of the others. Rule can't be shared between distinct priorities, for one will override the others in some moral calculation. The interest that wishes to capture the political altogether and make opposition impossible will make itself known through its actions, no matter how much fear and ignorance are imposed to tell us we cannot say which of the ruling ideas dominate. Eugenics moved early to create its bogeymen. Eugenics is different from the ruling ideas of the past because it isolated for the first time a method to assign all blame and guilt to its victims, rather than requiring an alien Other that was in principle a political equal before domination could be attained. The eugenists would stoke political, national, and institutional struggles as needed to manipulate the many actors who were not invalid, but had no reason to go along with such a ruinous course of action. The eugenists, and I cannot say this enough, do not map onto any other group, identity, or tradition cleanly, and recognize each other across historical divisions of race, religion, culture, or the interests they subordinated to the eugenic creed. Once established, Eugenics and Eugenics alone becomes the religion, and whatever religions they might have believed before are less relevant than the clear and present religion of Eugenics and its idols. Eugenics did not always exist. Humanity did not think like the eugenists until it happened, for the concept that you could appeal to nature in the most crass way was never worked out. It would be rejected and not feasible to habitually lie without someone calling bullshit, and there was no reason to believe this sort of habitual lying affected anything. The lying of the past was almost entirely omission and dependence on the general ignorance of most of humanity since most of humanity was in farming villages or the hinterland and politics was far away until it imposed some war. Anything like Eugenics required an engagement that was neither possible nor desirable for the people in the country or the lords of the hinterland. Eugenics is the final outcome of the bourgeois revolution, and because it stuck, the entire arc of "bourgeois history"—or more accurately, the interests that were represented in what was called the "bourgeois", since it was never really about the city-dwellers so much as it was about institutional technology—has no future but Eugenics. So long as the only admissible ideas are the ideas of Eugenics, which are the last ideas of the so-called bourgeoisie, it is not proper to speak of those ideas, which are operative in the minds of everyone who can contest the political, as if they existed without "two worlds forever apart" being the dominant understanding. Every action, every expression, every idea, and every motive, emphasizes that there are those selected to live and those selected to die, and this is the only thing the contending interests can believe in. All other aspirations of rule are, in that thinking, inadmissible and cannot be serious. It may be possible for some of the contenders to see that "the bourgeois order" never existed in the way grand narratives described history, but all of the contending parties know capitalism and its institutions. It is impossible to credibly declare that capitalism does not exist, and it is impossible to credibly believe that capitalism only survives because of the eugenic interest overriding anything else capital represented. The contending parties all inherit fortunes and rely on technology represented by capital to exist, even when the "capital" as such is increasingly transmuted to the property and means appropriate to eugenism. There is a reason why the eugenists created "ideological capitalism" and a faith in this economic thought, placing it in nature itself as in the thinking of Darwin and then making it Absolute and "above God".
[2] Though, if you are familiar with Satanic lore, their version of history tells that the gurus and prophets of great religions are aligned with the Satan, and the public facing of religions is either a "noble lie" to fool the inferiors, or the other religions are systems of habitual lying who obscure the true Godhead, and the Satan is a champion of received wisdom. In either case, the mediation of reality is essential to the very idea of "the Satan" as a superstition. This mediation does not always take the form of knowledge in the sense we approach the topic today, but the mediation of reality extends to the mediation of knowledge about that reality. Whether Satan is the ruler or the opponent of the god they describe as evil—and here the Satanist is a consummate lawyer preparing the case and studying the law of the spiritual realm, so this is not about the facile claims that are commonly brought up by pissant teenagers—the mediation of reality through the Satan is necessary, and the Satan claims that it alone possesses spiritual authority. Hence, my invocation of the phrase "above God" to describe this imperious treatment of knowledge. Only the Satan can stake its claim on this mediation of knowledge. Any other deity that tried would have to issue unceasing apologia for why it is not the Satan or tantamount to such. The general theory of technology applied to this question of "absolute knowledge" is why, and I give this concept treatment in Book 4 of The Retarded Ideology, which I am currently writing and have posted some progress on. Since this concept is very important to understand how "mediated reality" is a technological claim of Empire, and the Satan transposes that onto the spiritual realm and makes it a general rule rather than an imperial or temporal one, I wanted to write this before continuing on that crucial chapter. The essentially Satanic cosmology at work may be proposed under the auspices of another deity that the Satan serves, and so, true knowledge, reality, and the concept that reality is not mediated in that way can prevail even when the specter of "limited information in an infinite world" is used to make imperious claims about technology and information. It is understood that the Satan's claims are not the almighty and do not possess any such monopoly, and this claim is different from the claim of a central institution like the university claiming a monopoly for just and righteous reasons. The university will claim that it possesses a spiritual monopoly on this. It is literally in the name, and it aligns with the claims of religions that study the evil and must, out of necessity, not declare that their system can "mix and match" whatever the whims of adherents wish, and must remain internally consistent. Where does this go wrong, then? It is not really with the claims of the proprietors, which are described in Chapter 14 Book 4 of The Retarded Ideology. The proprietors never operate on the notion that the world is actually made of magic, and any magic that is believed to operate must be rendered in meritorious and materialistic terms and treated as just another thing in the world. Mediation of reality in the way that God possesses "Absolute" knowledge would be incompatible with that stance, and such statements from the proprietors are always understood as a weapon to use against those who are denied the franchise or peerage, whatever the nature of that property may be. It doesn't go wrong in a consistent manner with the moral failure of labor, although that is the spiritual battlefield that will in the end decide the outcome of struggle, and that struggle is a solvable problem given sufficient information. To solve this problem with any credibility, the technocrat or philosopher cannot believe "reality is mediated" in any way, and in many cases, both technocrat and aristocrat publicly disdain such claims. The lowest class does not seriously believe, given their experience, that hiding works particularly well to describe the world to them. In their experience, the lowest class is lied to the most and will only be lied to. Any honesty from the valid for trivial things is a welcome surprise, and the deceptions of the lowest class are almost entirely deceptions of omission and attempting to not be seen by the "mediator of reality". There is one political force I described in The Retarded Ideology which can make this claim: Law. Law is a creature of the commons and thus of technology and the technocrats, but it exists for particular reasons and is perfectly aware of the hazard such a claim as "mediated reality" entails if it is taken to its final, Absolute conclusion. And yet, nothing in Law prevents a malicious actor from deciding that the Law has changed and reality has changed with it. Law does not have any preferred class character despite its origin in the technological interest and its concerns almost entirely fitting the class of technocrats, whatever its composition and character in a given society. It has to govern all classes in some way, and without any particularly good reason for it to be so, instances of a class of things are equal to each other in their defining characteristics. There is no "essential" instrument allowing one man greater standing in Law than another. All such standing must be reconciled with a legal rationale for why that standing is relevant. Perhaps this is an educational requirement or a judgment of character. It will take a long time for "mediated reality" to fully destroy any concept of the society and sublate it into a desired Working. Where this truly begins is not from on high or "mediation" but a want of knowledge for "mediation" to command the world in this way, such that the crassest temporal and personal authority is identical to spiritual authority and all ways the world can be known. In other words, controlled insanity is intended to "change the world" in a most ruinous manner that is intended to fail for all but the true controller of information. All efforts to change the world in this way are doomed to the same result, and eternal regression to the same rot. Such a locus of efforts in this world is the nature of the Satan, the singular controller, even when Satanism presents as a highly individual and subjective belief regarding the world and mediation of reality for a purely intellectual exercise. It is thus that the proper origin of Satanism is in the commons and technological interest, for whom this control of information is inherent to everything they have done to survive in a world that was never created for their interest.