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Prometheus, Lucifer, and the Cycle of Aristocratic Knowledge-Giving

I omitted from my latest book in The Retarded Ideology - Origin of the Philosophical State - a treatment of education as religious, largely because the sections describing religion and its philosophical function were only fully constructed after the philosophical state and its greater framework were constructed. Education need not be religious, but in our time, education is very religious, and education and the tenets of the faith suggest a very foul religious tendency within every hitherto known educational project. The best way to mitigate this has always been to mitigate the reach of education into private and personal life, and hold the institutions in contempt as most of us have to retain some sanity in institutions gone mad. I think, if anyone retains any honesty, they can see the ruin education as an institution has imposed on the world, and there is no "good version of this - not state school, not private or religious school, not some idealized form where "the best" just-so naturally unlock their pre-ordained talent. Education exists precisely because it marks those who are rejected from it, who are no less than 80% of the population in any era for all intents and purposes. This ratio as a minimum bar of the political elite is locked in not by any natural law, but by an article of faith which essentializes the five steps of knowledge and locks them into corresponding tasks. That circle can be linked to the cycle of knowledge processing. As you may recall from the first book here, that cycle is as follows: the raw data or substance of the world is translated to information, which is processed by knowledge itself which is necessarily a process in the world, which connects information to a meaningful context to form any knowledge systemic or otherwise and relate it, which is judged as true or false by facts which are understood to be the "real world" for our purposes. Among those facts we may accept is that the facts of the world are linked to - but not ontologically identical to - the actual world they are drawn from, in such a way that we do not doubt what information is processed once knowledge and meaning do their work. We do not take this association on "blind faith" as the German ideology prescribes in all of its iterations from Luther onward, and which the Satanists of British aristocracy recapitulated violently and exultantly as the death drive of eugenics was the dominant and sole value relevant to its preferred educational project.

Remarkably, there are people who do not understand this, and think education is some sort of service. In a way, it is a necessity. We live in a world dominated by evil deeds and especially evil humans who chose that path. None of us wish away this condition no matter how far we may move away from this. The one thing we might accomplish is to see the evil for what it is, rule that we no longer wish to live that way, and find a way around the educational middleman. Education is not at heart a religious matter concerning the evil at all. It pertains to power and social acceptance, without regard to any moral intent whatsoever. We can conclude with some commonly known facts regarding education's true function that it is, in humans, the birth of hedonism and utilitarianism among humanity, which are self-evidently failed systems if anyone tried to apply them to a real world where existence was consequential. Education is at heart utterly amoral in a way nothing else can be, and revels in this. There is no such thing as moral education which does not turn into a parody of what we would regard as morality. There are attempts to impart positive or good moral values or guides for students or anyone who is willing to learn, but these do not conform to any of the functions education can serve. Someone will either want to learn of a different moral sense, whether on their own power or by the persuasion or communication with another human or something in the world, or they simply won't. The path of least resistance for intelligence, or any faculty which could be measured and judged to learn in the most efficient manner, is amorality or obedience to shibboleths - to superstitions that are the hallmark of religion, rather than anything that constitutes genuine learning, or the evil. The evil of religion is taught or understood as something that is not educational at all, and no religion ever claims that it can educate someone to comply with it. Satanism, in practice, does not do this. The Satanist claim of education is that moral qualities are always innate and predestined, and if someone succumbed to any weakness or perceived weakness, that is in of itself sin - the last sin, the only sin. So far as Satanism has a moral stance or any sense that people can change, it is only possible through self-abasement - through the form of worship peculiar to its tenets, in which the student becomes a vessel for the teacher. This trope is common in the educational area because it is expedient for what pedagogy accomplishes, whether the pedagogue is willfully evil, or embraces a fuller Satanic ethos. I raise an argument that a "good Satanist" is possible, but this is very unlikely. Many educators are, in practice, "good Satanists", regardless of what religion they preach. The ethos of Satanism and education line up for the social and political functions that education entails. The good Catholics and Muslims who teach are visibly not so good, and the whole of Protestant pedagogy leaves one seeing a church which abandoned anything that would be stable or worth keeping, a criticism leveled by outsiders and Christians of every type, who always are quick to declare each other heretical. It's not difficult to see how education as an institution is a haven for the Satan and its partisans, especially women who see the area as a terrible place to install their vengeance for being made into housewives and the miserable position of the female sex, with terrible consequences we have seen in modernity. This is mitigated because such ruination is lampooned by the rest of society and by teachers who are not given over to this, because they have lives and do not give in to the dictates of the institution. Anyone who has to live will never be wholly corrupted by their religion, and it is a good thing for humanity that this is so. Because this is known, many who adhere to a religion and many religions in their practices acknowledge that human beings remain human. The esoteric education within the ranks of the true believers shows the monstrosity religion - any religion - entails at its core, but even a Satanist can understand that actual people have to use this in their daily lives. The Satanist is more given over to ideology and the One more than any other, but usually, the Satanist sees whatever they profess as a vehicle. Their true religion and what they value is within the halls of pedagogy and reinforcement of the institution of education for their religion. It is here were the notion that "everyone basically believes the same thing" becomes a Satanic koan. Every religion in reality preaches very different things which are mutually exclusive, but that matters not to the pedagogue, whose religion has most of all been the cult of education itself, even above the Satan. At its core is the middle class fetish for grasping and opportunism, which ultimately serves its political motives more than any purpose we would consider good or wortwhile. From the book's example of the aristocratic "circle of life", the tendency of the middle class - the technological interest - is to subsume all within its imagined demarchy or rule of "the people" in the abstract as a united mass. This is the origin of the American slogan E pluribus unum - out of many, one, which is replicated and idealized in the fasces and fascism. Any student of American history will recognize the fasces as a prominent symbol of American republicanism, and a crass mind would claim this makes them morally equivalent to Italian or Germanic fascists. This is coupled with a self-serving notion of fascism which elides the true crimes and historical function of fascism, and reverts it to a "scare word" that the educator and pedagogue has no interest in fighting. If I were seeking to rehabitate the fascists, I would promote this narrative ad nauseum, and remove all of what republicanism once suggested in its civic religion, and especially hide the evidence of how European fascism became European fascism and the de facto European civic religion. But, that history moves beyond the purpose of the present article. What I hope to write about here is the appeal of this koan within the educational institution, which formed the sturdiest and most necessary pillar of European fascism. The American fasces and concept of themselves had little to do with state education or the Platonic ideal, which had been roundly criticized throughout American history - as had the entire project the Americans were undertaking, and the ulterior and very dark motives and forces at work in the United States. It is helpful to see where American influence and the culture of the founders did influence European fascism, and what genuine likenesses existed. For the pedagogue, though, fascism - or the religious tenets which are at its core - was the point, because fascism granted their interest and institution job security and social standing hitherto unknown. When fascists are described as "failed men", the pedagogue and the teacher, like the doctor, was a profession of the ugliest repute, until fascism relitigated and rewrote history to enshrine the most miserable institution.

At the core of the appeal of this is not any ideological system or even a motive or rationale that makes the teacher so malevolent and given over to it. It is instead an ancient religious cycle, found in the pagan world and exported unbroken to our time, involving a certain Prometheus, or a certain Lucifer. Both figures refer to knowledge and wisdom, each with their spheres of influence. They are not the best of friends. The Luciferians celebrate the high occult light and hand down knowledge in their way, and the Promethean story is not as glorious or friendly as it was made out to be by the pedagogue who resembles it. The Luciferians disdain worldly or incidental knowledge, and often bemoan the spread of technology to the lower orders. The Prometheans represent a tendency of the technological interest that saw worldly technology as a path to liberation from the terror of the gods, at least at first; and they were well aware of the malevolence technology entailed. The more noble of the Luciferians disdain the Satanist games with information, and can - if one still believes such a thing can be tolerated - appear as one of the "good Satanists" who are men and women of moral probity within the bounds their ethos will allow. These cycles appear almost unaltered in the present day, and are pressed in the educational institution precisely because of its amorality and the degree of freedom granted to the institution to use and abuse every mind, body, and soul that passes through it. Outside of education and its conceits, they only appear as the residual effects of educational brainwashing and those who benefit from the growing, Cthulhu-esque presence of education and the school.

(To be completed at a later time. Thank you for reading! -eugene)

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